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  • Build strong, meaningful, and trusting mentor-mentee relationships 

  • Create a safe and fun space outside of school and home that fosters creativity and self-exploration

  • Expose mentees to the college environment and help them visualize higher education as a future option

  • Build mentee communication skills and promote collaboration by interacting with various age groups (elementary school, middle school, and high school, and college)

es programming


We as Middle School Program Coordinators are so excited to work with our middle school mentees! Our goals for this year are to build a supportive and welcoming community within the middle school group and develop their collaboration with others. We hope to help mentees discover and explore passions and interests that they can build upon later in life. We look forward to a year of fun and bonding between mentees and mentors.

ms programming



  • G - Guidance, input, and advice from mentors

  • R - Rediscovering your inner child and safe space

  • O - Openness to letting go and having fun

  • W - Working on your wellbeing and promoting self love

  • T - Trustful relationship building between mentor and mentee

  • H - Healing and catering to everyone's inner child

hs programming
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